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Tools down at The Block

2 min read

IT’S almost time for tools down on Justice Road with The Block officially finishing filming this Sunday (June 2) after 13 weeks.

Expected to air on channel Nine right after the Olympic Games, the team behind the scenes have noted that it has been an incredibly positive season thanks to the community support.

“It's been absolutely amazing,” Scott Cam stated on Friday as he set off to start packing his own bags.

"All the folks have been so welcoming, and have really looked after us.

"When I walk up the street everyone is so lovely, people say hello or beep their horn, it's been amazing."

Scott will leave for Sydney on Monday after spending three months on the island.

And Scott isn't the only one with a newfound soft spot for the island. The cast, crew, and trades have all cherished their time here, finding neighbours and the community overwhelmingly supportive.

"The last few months here have been nothing but a really wonderful experience for the entire cast and crew,” creator and The Block's executive producer Julian Cress said.

"We were so excited to come to Phillip Island to make our 20th season of The Block. It's such a momentous milestone for us, we couldn't have picked a better place to do it. The embrace we have had from the local community has been wonderful and everybody on the crew has really enjoyed being on the Island.

"Some of them have now decided they want to make it a permanent home, you can't ask for more than that."

During their time on Phillip Island The Block have filmed at an array of locations with many locals eagerly anticipating the final product come August.

These locations include Phillip Island Penguin Parade, Rhyll Jetty and Angling Club, Woolamai Beach and the Woolamai Surf Club, Summerlands Look Out, The Phillip Island Winery, Thompson Avenue, Cowes and Ventnor beaches, Cowes Jetty, Phillip Island Golf Club, Erehwon Point Reserve, Clay & Co, Grumpys Crazy Golf Cowes, Island Surf Boards, Berninneit’s gallery space and there’s even been time to cast a few fishing lines across the island.

"Over the years we have had to make the show in some pretty tight spaces in the city and obviously we have had friction at times with neighbours and stuff we have had to work out, but Phillip Island we haven't had a single issue with anyone,” Julian explained.

"We haven't had one complaint from anyone for what we are doing here.

"Everybody has been fully supportive of The Block and that's something we are grateful and extremely proud of."

A small crew from The Block’s building team, Nine In Six, will remain on the island to prepare the houses and site on Justice Road for auction; ensuring it is 100 per cent perfect. There will be no inconvenience to neighbours at this time as it will be a closed site.