Letters to the editor
Art for all

RE: Sentinel Times, August 27. There was an article on page 15 in regard to asking for expressions of interest for a significant Art Commission to be purchased and located at the Berninneit Culture Centre. The budget for this artwork was going to be $140,000. But there was just one tiny catch – according to the Shire’s new Art Collection Policy blokes need not apply as art will be selected for acquisition based on, among other things, artworks that increase gender equity in number and value.

And, as Cr Leticia Laing so eagerly pointed out at the council meeting, that the artworks in the council’s collection are already weighted towards male artists and is a situation that should be addressed.

So, my question, will artistic members of the LGBTQIA+ community also be told not to apply as well.

It disgusts me that over and over again this council constantly tries to portray itself as inclusive to all but fails miserably in so many areas. I’m not sure if are willing to accept this but I thought we were all equal. 

So here is my suggestion. You still have your art competition but have the artists names covered over and then just a number registered to the artist on the back of the artwork and then heaven forbid, you judge on merit. 

You never know you might get a painting that had been painted either by a chimpanzee or even an elephant or who knows, a human.

So please open this up to all artistic members of our community and stop with the gender politics.

Levinus Van Der Neut, Coronet Bay

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