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Veteran welfare on the table with Shadow Minister for Veterans Affairs Tim Bull at Wonthaggi RSL

1 min read

THE welfare of returned servicemen and women was drawn sharply into focus in Wonthaggi today when National Party MPs Melina Bath and Tim Bull visited the Wonthaggi and Leongatha Sub-Branches of the RSL and the National Vietnam Veterans Museum at Phillip Island.

"Veterans that are homeless are a major concern to the Wonthaggi RSL," said Wonthaggi RSL President Dan Lucas.

Gippsland East MP and Shadow Minister for Veterans Affairs Tim Bull said the visit to Leongatha, Wonthaggi and Phillip Island with Eastern Region MP and Shadow Minister for Public Land Management and Aboriginal Affairs Melina Bath was to give veterans a chance to talk to them.

“Veteran suicide is of major concern,” said Mr Bull.

“We need the States on board providing feedback at a Federal level.

“Many veterans have challenges and need help and support.

“Veterans need access to mental health services, housing and employment.”

Wonthaggi RSL membership has grown substantially over recent years with social members now helping to provide support for veterans.

“We have 165 members now up from 70 two years ago,” said Dan Lucas.

Funding is being sought for a three-stage project to provide a rear deck for the RSL in Graham Street, improved toilet facilities with showers for veterans who are sleeping rough and an accommodation space.

“The first stage is estimated to cost $50,000,” said Mr Lucas.

A major upcoming event for the Wonthaggi RSL will be the unveiling of a plaque at the Wonthaggi Town Hall acknowledging the link between the town of Wonthaggi and the Prahran Regiment during WWII.

The Prahran Regiment trained in Wonthaggi between 1937 and 1945 forming the 14th/32nd Battalion infantry battalion which served in Australia and Rabaul.

“Members of the 14th/32nd Battalion included Wonthaggi volunteers,” said Mr Lucas.

A morning tea is held on the third Wednesday of every month at the Wonthaggi RSL for veterans who need support from other veterans.

“Veterans often communicate more easily with other veterans on mental health and first aid issues,” said Mr Lucas.

“Friday nights are our social nights with meat tray raffles and a light supper.”

For more information search for Wonthaggi RSL Sub Branch on Facebook.